The Parliament of Uganda is to sit five days a week contrary to the previous time when they would take three days.

Time scheduled from Monday to Friday and both morning and afternoon hours to be used so as to dispose off the remaining business of the 10th parliament.

This was revealed by the speaker of parliament Rebecca Alitwala

Kadaga during her communication in the plenary.

“Members of parliament are ironing out budgetary process, which is a necessity to the country and needs enough time to avoid any mistakes” says Kadaga.

Parliament is remaining with nineteen days, which is limited to iron out the remaining vast work of budget that is why they are going to be utilizing tirelessly both morning and evening hours.

Unlike in the past, Members of parliament were having plenary during evening hours and were taking committee sittings in the morning hours.

 Kadaga has asked legislators to get ready for the double sittings

daily so that they execute their cardinal duties as outlined in the


The speaker also informed the chairperson of the different parliamentary committees to handle all the remaining business for urgent parliament attention.

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